Jamua: A 4-day-old infant was allegedly crushed to death by a policeman in Giridih area of Jharkhand on Wednesday even as police have launched a probe into the matter, officials said. Neha Devi, mother of the deceased child said that in the early morning of Wednesday, a team of police from Deori police station came looking for their family member Bhushan Pandey with a warrant to arrest him in a case.
Devi said that Bhushan was not at home while the cops started to search the house. As police searched the house, all the family members were brought out in the compound leaving Bhushan's 4-day-old son inside, Devi said. She said that after the cops were finished with the searches, she went inside to her son, but was shocked to see that the baby did not move.
Also read: Day-old infant among four killed in accident in Rajasthan's Bundi
Seeing the baby in a state of unconsciousness, the family took him to a doctor, who declared the baby dead. Devi alleged that the baby died after being crushed by the search team of the cops under their feet. Devi's husband Ramesh Pandey too accused the cops of crushing his infant son to death. “When the police came out of the house, we went to the room where our baby was sleeping.
When I saw the child, there was no movement in his body,” Pandey said. The incident has caused shock and grief in the area with locals demanding stern action against the accused. DSP Sanjay Rana said that the investigation has been started as soon as the matter came to the notice of the police. Further action will be taken after the investigation is completed, he said.
The probe into the matter was launched on the instructions of SP Amit Renu. DSP Sanjay Rana and Khorimhua SDPO Mukesh Kumar Mahato are part of the probe team while Police Inspector Sahdev Prasad has been designated as the investigating officer.