Ranchi: A massive fire broke out in Airtel's godown located in the Namkum police station area of the Jharkhand capital Ranchi on Thursday, officials said. According to an official, the fire broke out in the Airtel godown at around 4 in the morning. The guards and other employees of the warehouse somehow escaped from the spot and saved their lives and the matter was informed to the company officials as well as the police and fire department.
Also read: TN: 12 injured in Kancheepuram LPG cylinder godown blaze
Soon after, the fire brigade vehicles rushed to the spot and brought the flames under control at around 11 am. However, by the time the fire was extinguished, goods worth lakhs of rupees kept at the godown were reduced to ashes. The cause of the fire was not immediately known. The company is currently assessing the damage, after which a complaint will be lodged with the police.
Namkum police station in-charge Sunil Tiwari said that the company is yet to lodge a complaint with them. The FSL team has also been called to the spot to investigate the incident. The officials of the company assumed that the fire might have been triggered by a short circuit. The fire was so intense that the flames and huge plumes of smoke billowed out from the spot far and wide.