Dumka (Jharkhand): A 19-year-old girl from Bhalki village in Jharkhand's Dumka district passed away on Friday hours after suffering grievous injuries as her boyfriend set her ablaze following her rejection to his marriage proposal. The teenager had been admitted to the Phulo Jhano Medical College, and later to the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences in Ranchi after her condition deteriorated.
The accused has been identified as one Rakesh Raut, already married and insisting to marry the victim. The incident took place in Bhalki village under the Jarmundi police station limits here.
Jarmundi sub-divisional police officer (SDPO) Shivendra Kumar said "The victim and Rajesh Raut had friendship since 2019. Rajesh Raut got married in February 2022. But he still wanted to marry her. When the girl refused to accept his proposal, he threatened to kill her like in Ankita burning case.' Ankita Kumari was a 16-year-old girl who died after her stalker set fire to her in Dumka in last August.
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The SDPO said, 'Rajesh doused the girl in petrol while she was sleeping on Thursday night and set her on fire leaving her with critical injuries.' The girl was admitted to Phulo Jhano Medical College in Dumka. As her condition deteriorated, she was later referred to Ranchi's Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences. He further said that further investigation is on and the accused will be arrested soon.