Simdega (Jharkhand): An eight-year-old minor girl was allegedly raped by an Imam in a madrasa in Jharkhand's Simdega on Sunday. The accused has been identified as Imam Aminullah. According to sources, the girl had gone to the madrasa to study. After the madrasa hours, the Imam allowed the other children to go home, but asked the minor girl to stay there. Later, he took her to his room and raped her and threatened her not to disclose the incident to anyone. The girl told her family members about the incident after reaching home. She further stated that such an incident had happened to her two months ago as well.
Also read: Mathura court sentences rapist to death
The family informed officials of Anjuman about the incident. On being informed, officials of Anjuman convened a meeting. However, the accused fled the Madrasa after the incident. Anjuman officials and the victim's family lodged a complaint with police and demanded action against Imam.
Anjuman's Sadar Mumtaz Alam said, "An FIR has been registered in the police station based on a complaint lodged by the victim's family. The Anjuman and locals will stand with the victim's family." Superintendent of Police Saurabh Kumar said, "The accused, Imam Aminullah alias Amin, has been arrested. The probe about the incident is underway."