New Delhi: The Election Commission Monday ordered the transfer of a senior Jharkhand police officer Anurag Gupta, earlier accused of interfering in elections, from a sensitive post and said that he be attached to the state resident commissioner in the national capital.
In a letter to the Jharkhand chief electoral officer, EC said Anurag Gupta is holding the post of ADG, Special Branch in the state, a position considered as a "sensitive assignment" for the purpose of conduct of elections.
The EC said, Gupta should report to the Resident Commissioner, Jharkhand at Delhi by Tuesday afternoon.
The poll panel also made it clear that the IPS officer should not be allowed any leave and given duty which entails a visit to Jharkhand till the completion of the election process.
Last year, cases were registered against Gupta in matters relating to "interference in elections, misuse of official position and breach of conduct/service rules." The state will have Lok Sabha elections in four phases, with the first phase on April 29.