Srinagar: State Investigation Agency (SIA) of Jammu and Kashmir police on Wednesday conducted searches regarding the Narco-terrorism case in North Kashmir's Sopore. The SIA spokesperson said, "In a month-long chase of elusive leads to identity the lynchpin of a dangerous narco-terror module, SIA finally zeroed on a woman who has overseen at least Rs 10 crores worth narcotics and drugs smuggled into India from Pakistan."
"Searches were conducted today at her Sopore den and digital devices among other records having a bearing on the case were seized. The investigation into the secret dealings of this syndicate is being done vide Case FIR No 19/2022 under sections 8/21 NDPS Act, 13 17 18 39 40 UA(P) Act registered in Police Station CIK (SIA) Kashmir", he said.
Also read: SIA conducts raids at social media user's home in J-K's Budgam for publishing anti-India content
Preliminary investigations that triggered this investigation suggest that consignments of smuggled heroin and other narcotics/psychotropic substances are being partly sold in local markets. The bulk of the contraband, however, is further smuggled to other parts of the country for sale. Proceeds of the sale, as per initial findings are being brought back to Kashmir and used to finance terrorist and separatist organization(s)/terrorist(s) to continue with terrorist and unlawful activities.
Mobile devices, bank passbooks, a diary-type notebook, and cash in Indian currency (Rs 1,99,800) recovered from the house of the woman coordinator are being examined for unraveling the details of the other members of the syndicate.