Jammu: Seven alleged drug peddlers were arrested and Rs 3.36 lakh was seized in Jammu and Kashmir's Reasi district on Wednesday, officials said. Acting on information provided by reliable sources that notorious drug peddler Shoib Magray is in possession of narcotics, police raided his house and seized heroin and Rs 3,36,000 cash from there, they said. The amount was collected by selling narcotics to the youth in the district, they added.
A digital weighing scale, syringes for injecting drugs, foil papers and other material used in drug abuse were also seized from the possession of Magray, the officials said. A case was registered and Magray arrested, they added. During interrogation, Magray revealed the names of his associates who were involved in selling, purchasing and consumption of narcotics in Reasi town, the officials said. On his disclosure, police teams conducted raids and arrested six persons -- Shahid Magrey, Irfan Iqbal, Rufu, Manik Sharma, Arun Sharma, and Sajad Ahmed, they added.
Read: NCB arrests psychiatrist for selling cakes infused with drugs
The recovery of banned drugs from their possession was legally seized as per laid down procedures, the officials said. Further investigation in the case will reveal names of more members of this racket operating in and around the town, they said.