Jammu: Accusing the BJP government of discriminating against the Jammu region by keeping the leadership of the Jammu region out of the All Parties Meeting to be chaired by the Prime Minister, the National Panthers Party (JKNPP) activists led by Harsh Dev Singh, Chairman JKNPP and former Minister held a protest at Jammu today and torched the effigy of the BJP government.
Speaking on the occasion, Harsh Dev Singh questioned the criteria adopted for the selection of participants for the said meeting which was supposed to suggest a road map for a better future for J&K. He said "every Tom, Dick and Harry was called from Kashmir, the most vociferous and versatile leadership of Jammu region had been deliberately ignored." He strongly objected to the invitation given to JKAP and PC which were non-recognized parties.
"In what capacity Altaf Bukhari and Sajjad Lone have been called despite their parties having not been recognized by ECI, questioned Harsh. Is it not a ploy to promote the pro-separatist parties at the cost of aspirations of people of Dogra land," Singh said. He said that nothing could be expected from the five nominees from the Jammu region.
Also read: JK: Political parties in Kashmir gear up for meeting PM Modi on June 24