Srinagar: An Indo-Tibetan Border Police jawan stationed in Jammu Kashmir's Udhampur district on Saturday opened fire on his fellow colleagues, leading to the death of one person, while three more sustained serious injuries. The incident occurred on the banks of the Devika river in the district. It is learned that the group was deployed for the Amarnath Yatra. The reason behind the shooting has not yet come to the fore.
J&K: ITBP jawan killed, three others injured in fratricidal firing in Udhampur
One ITBP jawan was killed and three more were injured after a fellow trooper on Saturday opened fire on his colleagues in Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir.
ITBP jawan opens fire on colleagues One killed three injured
Srinagar: An Indo-Tibetan Border Police jawan stationed in Jammu Kashmir's Udhampur district on Saturday opened fire on his fellow colleagues, leading to the death of one person, while three more sustained serious injuries. The incident occurred on the banks of the Devika river in the district. It is learned that the group was deployed for the Amarnath Yatra. The reason behind the shooting has not yet come to the fore.