Srinagar: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has brought the disgraced Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), Davinder Singh, to Jammu for investigations.
According to sources, Davinder Singh has been brought on a transit remand. A formal remand from the NIA court for interrogation will be taken on Thursday.
On Wednesday, fresh raids were carried out by the NIA at Singh's residences in Srinagar.
Singh was caught while transporting two militants, Naveed Babu and Rafi Ahmed, and a lawyer Irfan Ahmed in a vehicle to Jammu on January 11.
According to sources the two militants and the lawyer had plans to travel to Pakistan after reaching Jammu.
The case was transferred to the NIA after an initial investigation by the Jammu and Kashmir Police.
Singh has been dismissed from the service and the Jammu and Kashmir administration on Monday forfeited the commendation medal and certificate awarded to him.
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