Jammu: At least 23 houses were gutted in a massive blaze in the Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir, officials said on Friday. No casualties have been reported in the blaze that broke out in the Chag-Gandhari area of Paddar tehsil on the intervening night of Thursday and Friday, they said. Soon after the incident, a joint team of Army and police personnel, along with the locals, launched an operation to douse the fire.
As informed by the Sarpanch of Gandhari who goes by the name Raj Kumar, the reason for the blast was a domestic gas cylinder that exploded in a residential area, spreading the fire further to around 23 houses. He also confirmed that no harm was done to any of the residents, and no casualties were reported.
Also read: J-K: Fire breaks out in three-storied house in Kishtwar
As per local inputs, the fire tenders could not reach the spot due to a lack of an approach road. By the time the blaze was extinguished, 25 residential structures were gutted and many families have been affected, according to Kishtwar Deputy Commissioner Devansh Yadav.