Jammu: BJP leader from J&K's Nagrota, Devender Rana, on Saturday said that the party was ready for assembly elections in the Union Territory if the Election Commission wanted to conduct it.
"BJP is always ready for the elections. But answering questions surrounding the time, place and mode of elections are not up to the public, but the Election Commission of India. It is neither up to any one community to make comments on this topic, as that would be unreasonable. Whenever ECI decides to hold elections, we will be ready on our part," he said.
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"BJP is an organisation which stays with the people 24 hours a day, and through its work, speaks of people's welfare. Such an organisation is naturally always ready for polls," he said. While nothing has been said on part of ECI regarding an imminent polling process, Chief Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra, back in May, said that voter lists would be updated in J&K and any decision on an assembly election would be taken only after consultation with political parties.
Out of the total 90 assembly constituencies, 43 would be part of the Jammu region and 47 would be part of Kashmir region. Nine seats have been reserved for the Scheduled Tribe community first time after the delimitation exercise - six in Jammu and three in Kashmir.