Anantnag: The Indian Army and Jammu Kashmir police have launched a joint search operation in the Chak Burnti area in the Anantnag district of South Kashmir. The forces are said to have received intelligence inputs about the presence of militants in the area. Security forces have sealed off all roads leading to the area. The Army's 19 RR, police and SOG (Special Operations Group) have been conducting a joint search operation in the area since afternoon.
J&K: Joint search operation begins in Chak Burnti area of Anantnag
This is done after presence of militants was confirmed through intelligence inputs.
Anantnag: The Indian Army and Jammu Kashmir police have launched a joint search operation in the Chak Burnti area in the Anantnag district of South Kashmir. The forces are said to have received intelligence inputs about the presence of militants in the area. Security forces have sealed off all roads leading to the area. The Army's 19 RR, police and SOG (Special Operations Group) have been conducting a joint search operation in the area since afternoon.