Trilokpur: Nestled amongst the picturesque hills of Himachal Pradesh's Trilokpur, lies an ancient cave temple, which stands as a testimony to human greed and divine anger!
The temple, situated 50 km away from Dharamsala, is one of such places where people travel miles on a rocky terrain to seek Lord Shiva's blessings.
The roof of the cave has a profusion of stalactites, which the locals believe are the embodiment of snakes, which had protected Lord Shiva during his penance.
Those entering the cave automatically bow to the deity inside the temple owing to the narrow passage and are greeted by a small stream which runs through it.
Know about Lord Shiva's anger in this ancient folklore
The temple, situated 50 km away from Dharamsala, is one of such places where people travel miles on a rocky terrain to seek Lord Shiva's blessings. The roof of the cave has a profusion of stalactites, which the locals believe are the embodiment of snakes, which had protected Lord Shiva during his penance.
Trilokpur: Nestled amongst the picturesque hills of Himachal Pradesh's Trilokpur, lies an ancient cave temple, which stands as a testimony to human greed and divine anger!
The temple, situated 50 km away from Dharamsala, is one of such places where people travel miles on a rocky terrain to seek Lord Shiva's blessings.
The roof of the cave has a profusion of stalactites, which the locals believe are the embodiment of snakes, which had protected Lord Shiva during his penance.
Those entering the cave automatically bow to the deity inside the temple owing to the narrow passage and are greeted by a small stream which runs through it.
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