Paonta Sahib (Himachal Pradesh): Amid the coronavirus and rising heat, the youth of the Navyuvak Mandal Ekta started a wonderful initiative. These young people constructed a pool of water in the jungle to manage the facility of drinking water for wild birds and animals.
During summer season, water scarcity often becomes a serious problem.
In this season, along with humans, birds and animals also become vulnerable to heat. The situation is such that sometimes due to lack of water, birds and animals die.To ensure that animals and birds do not go thirsty in this season, the youth of Upper Bhagani of Paonta Sahib unitedly repaired a pond made in a dense forest and tried to deliver water through department of irrigation and public health (IPH).
These young people said that during this pandemic across the country, humans are forced to stay indoors, but this should not weigh heavy on the wild creatures and they should not be left thirsty. The Navyuvak Mandal Ekta has repaired the pond for drinking water and have filled water in it so that wild animals do not go thirsty in this heat.
This pond is built in dense forest area. Animals and birds will get a lot of relief from this unique work. Mohabbat Ali, the head of Navyuvak Mandal Ekta said that due to the coronavirus, many initiatives are coming up to save humans but no one is considering the about life of birds and animals.
Due to the lock-down, a 3 hour time was set by the government and the youth repaired the tank in this time frame. They also fill the pond with fresh water everyday through a scheme of IPH.
Mohabbat Ali has urged all the youth of the country and the state to take out a little time and help animals by making a tank in their respective area or town.
The employees from IPH department said that when they come to release water for the people of the village, they also release fresh water into the pond made by the youth, so that animals can get fresh water daily.
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