Shimla: Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur took a quick response on Wednesday morning when an ETV Bharat reporter called him regarding issues faced by the coronavirus suspect at Bilaspur Hospital in Himachal Pradesh.
The 108 ambulance with coronavirus suspected patient reached the hospital around 8:30 am in the morning.
However, after waiting for nearly an hour there were no doctors or nurses available to attend the patient.
Meanwhile, the ETV Bharat reporter tried to contact the health officials and doctors for the treatment of coronavirus suspected patient.
After getting no response, ETV Bharat reporter directly contacted state CM Jai Ram Thakur, who assured that necessary steps will be taken.
Within a few minutes of the conversation with the state Chief Minister, the administration took the coronavirus suspected patient to the isolation ward and doctors were also available there for the treatment.
Earlier, also a coronavirus suspected patient, who had a travel history of abroad was waiting for treatment in this hospital.
Though the health officials are negligent towards their duty, on the other side Himachal Pradesh CM Jai Ram Thakur is just one call away to resolve issues faced by the people in his state amid coronavirus pandemic.
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