Karnal (Haryana): A body of a married woman was found stuffed inside a sack in a drain in Haryana's Karnal district on Wednesday, two months after she was reported missing. The deceased, identified as Renu, was an Asha worker. She was originally from Sambhalkha village in Haryana and had married Parvindra from New Pritam Nagar in Karnal in 2005.
On September 19, Renu left for work on a scooty but never returned home. After frantically searching for Renu, her family lodged a missing complaint with the police. The family also told police that they suspect the involvement of a man, named Ravindra from Uttar Pradesh in the case, following which police took him into custody for questioning.
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Police sources said that during the investigation, it was revealed that Ravindra, who works at a furniture shop in Karnal, was having an affair with Renu for the past four years. However, eight months ago, the duo had a fight over some issue due to which he wanted to end the relationship. They further revealed that Renu refused to do so because of which Ravindra killed her on September 19.
"On the statement of the family members, the accused Ravindra was detained for questioning. He had confessed to committing the murder and told investigators about the whereabouts of Renu's dead body," said Investigating officer Naresh Kumar. Soon after police reached the spot, recovered the body, and sent it for postmortem. Further investigation is going on.