Faridabad: A newly elected sarpanch was garlanded with Rs 11 lakhs made up of Rs 500 notes in Haryana's Faridabad district. The incident took place in the Fatehpur Taga village of the district.
The sarpanch Aas Mohammad had to stand on the first floor of a building because of the huge length of the garland. The unique celebration took place after Aas was declared victorious on Friday night. A local youth clicked a photo of the sarpanch wearing the garland and posted it on social media. The photo has gone viral.
Also read: Deceased candidate elected sarpanch of Haryana's Kurukshetra village
"I have become victorious because of the love of the villagers. I will work as a public servant and try my best to make the village an ideal one," the sarpanch said.