Chandigarh: Actor Rajkummar Rao and actress Patralekha, who tied the knot on Monday after a long relationship, hosted a reception in Chandigarh. Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar attended the reception and congratulated the couple on their marriage.
The two got married in a very private ceremony at The Oberoi Sukhvilas Spa Resort in New Chandigarh.
The reception look of Rajkumar Rao and actress Patralekha has also surfaced for the first time, after the tweet. In the photo, Rajkumar was seen wearing a black colour suit and Patralekha a cream-golden colour sari. Rajkummar Rao wore a Sabyasachi-designed cream-coloured kurta and a closed-neck jacket, while Patralekha wore a red lehenga for the wedding. Rao has shared pictures from his wedding on Instagram.
Rajkummar Rao is very excited about his marriage. Sharing his wedding photo on Instagram, he wrote that, "Finally after 11 years of love, romance, friendship and fun, today I got married to her, who is my everything, my companion and my best friend. Today there is no greater happiness for me than being called Patralekha's husband. From today onwards forever."