Ambala: A farmer was allegedly hit by Kurukshetra MP Nayab Saini’s convoy while protesting against his visit to Ambala district’s Naraingarh town on Thursday. BJP leaders and Haryana Sports & Youth Affairs minister Sandeep Singh and Kurukshetra MP Nayab Saini were in the town to attend a felicitation function. Following their arrival, farmers reached the spot and staged a protest against them.
The victim, a farmer, alleged that a vehicle which was part of a convoy of Bharatiya Janata Party MP Nayab Saini hit him during an agitation against the Centre’s three farm laws in Naraingarh town in Ambala district of Haryana.
Farmers said they will stage a demonstration against the incident and also demanded an FIR to be registered against a person driving the car who allegedly hit the farmer.
The alleged incident took place just few days after eight people, including four farmers, were killed as violence erupted in the Lakhimpur Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh on October 3 during a protest against the farm laws.
Read: File on Delhi Cabinet rejecting cops' lawyer panels for farmer protests, riots sent to MHA: Source