Karnal: New details have emerged from the recent arrest of four insurgents in Haryana's Karnal on May 5. The group was caught near Bastara toll plaza in Karnal, leading to the seizure of several weapons, ammunition, and containers packed with explosives at that time. On Sunday, Karnal Superintendent of Police Gangaram Poonia said three phones had been recovered from the four members, adding that several pictures and contacts had been identified in the phones.
"Forensic team and the team of mobile experts are investigating these mobiles. The investigation so far has revealed that three terrorists had gathered in Ludhiana a week before they were caught," he said. Police sources also stated that three SIM cards, all of which were being operated via fake IDs, had also been recovered.
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Significantly, BSF as well as Ambala Police teams have also reached Karnal for the probe. It has been learned that the group might also be linked to the cache of hand grenades and an IED recovered in Ambala, back in March. Taking this into account, teams of Haryana Police, BSF, Telangana Police, Delhi Police, and IB (Intelligence Bureau) are searching the records of all the past locations of the insurgents and the people they had contacted.