Faridabad: Union Home Minister Amit Shah is visiting Haryana where he will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for four projects worth Rs 6,660 crore in Faridabad. The projects include the Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor project costing about Rs 5,600 crore. The rail coach renovation factory built in Badi (Ganaur) district Sonepat at a cost of about Rs 590 crore will be inaugurated, while the country's first longest elevated railway track, which was built at a cost of about Rs 315 crore, will be inaugurated in Rohtak.
Under the Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project, about 121 km long double rail line will be laid from Palwal to Sonipat, which will bypass Delhi. All the rail routes starting from Delhi and passing through Haryana will be interconnected with the project. This will reduce the traffic load of Delhi and will also reduce pollution as per officials.
Also read: Amit Shah to address poll rally in Haryana
This rail corridor, which will have trains like Shatabdi from Gurugram to Chandigarh will increase the connectivity of the adjoining areas, due to which new centres of industry and logistics will be established and will contribute significantly to the implementation of the Panchagram scheme. A 5 km long elevated track project in Rohtak will ease the traffic jam in Rohtak city and will pass over four busy railway crossings of the city.
This will be the country's first longest railway elevated track to be built in Rohtak. After Rohtak, similar tracks will be built in Jind, Kurukshetra and Kaithal. Tight security arrangements have been made for the Home Minister's visit. CCTV and drone cameras have also been installed across the district. The entry of heavy vehicles from Gurugram to Mangar-Pali-Marg in Faridabad has been barred for the day while public transport will ply as normal.
Home Minister Amit Shah will chair a brainstorming session with the Chief Ministers of different states and top officials in Surajkund on October 28 regarding the economic security of the country. He will also address a political rally here. Chief Minister Manohar Lal, Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav, Union Minister of State Krishnapal Gurjar and BJP state in-charge Biplab Dev will participate in the session.