Yamunanagar: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday arrested Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) leader and former Haryana MLA Dilbag Singh after a five-day raid in Hayana's Yamunanagar in connection with illegal mining case and an e-commerce scam. The agency has recovered cash worth Rs 5 crore, liquor bottles, rifles and ammunition along with important documents.
ED had been conducting raids at the premises of Singh and his relative Abhay Chautala since January 4. No one was allowed enter or leave the premises during the raids that were held amid tight security. The raids ended today with the arrest of Singh.
Nearly five illegal rifles, several bottles of foreign liquor and bullets were recovered from Singh's farm house in Faizpur. While searching Singh's house, ED recovered cash worth Rs 5 crore and documents of the properties he owned in foreign countries. Two separate cases have been registered in Pratap Nagar police station in this connection and police would now probe into these cases.
The ED officials have been constantly interrogating Singh for the last five days. According to ED sources, mining business is run by Singh and his associates. All the premises of Singh and his associates were raided, ED sources said.
Presently, Singh has been arrested and would face further rounds of questioning, sources said. After interrogating Singh, specific information pertaining to the case will be shared with ED's headquarters, sources added.
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