Rewari: In a bizarre incident reported from Rewari district of Haryana, a 70-year-old ex-Army man was declared dead on records for 13 years thereby depriving him of pension and other government schemes, sources said. The incident has been reported from Bawal area of Rewari district of Haryana. The victim has been identified as Dataram, son of Bihari Lal, a local from Bawal.
An official said that the matter came to light on the occasion of Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, inaugurated by Haryana Cooperative Minister Dr Banwari Lal at Kheda Murar village on Thursday, November 30. Dataram, who works at his farms after retiring from the Army said that he had been declared dead in official records 13 years ago which effectively deprived him of the pension as well as other government schemes he is entitled to.
Also read: Man declared dead by govt doctors, found alive in mortuary
He said that due to the official negligence, he was troubled for the last 13 years. Dataram said that he has been constantly making rounds of government offices to present proof of him being alive. But he said that there was nobody to listen to his pleas. State Cooperation Minister Dr. Banwari Lal, who came to know about Dataram's complaint, called him on the stage and announced that he had become alive as his file had been fixed.
Dataram said that everything went well in his life till the age of 58. But after the officials declared him dead 13 years ago all of a sudden, his life changed for the worst. He said that he came to know about the matter when he started going to the government office for facilities like pension. When he reached the office with the documents for getting the pension, the employee checked the records and told Dataram that he was dead as per the government document.
Dataram was also shocked to hear this and went pillar to post to fix the file, but to no avail.