Ambala: In a tragic incident, four members of a family were killed after their car fell into a canal in Haryana's Ambala district on Monday evening, police said. The accident occurred near Ismailpur village, around 25 kilometers from Ambala city, they said. The bodies were later fished out from the Narwana branch canal, added the officials.
Also read: 4 killed, 3 injured as car falls into gorge in Uttarakhand's Almora
The deceased were identified as Kuldeep Singh (48), his wife Kulbir Kaur (40), son Sukhpreet (15) and daughter Jashndeep Kaur (10), police said. Police said the family was on way from Tiwana village (near Lalru) in Punjab towards Ambala when the accident took place. The bodies were shifted to the Civil Hospital for post mortem.
The cause of the accident was not immediately known. Police have launched a probe into the accident.