Haryana: Two-time former chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) leader Dushyant Chautala, his mother Naina Chautala, sportsmen Sandeep Singh and Yogeshwar Dutt were among the 1,263 candidates who filed their nominations on Friday, the last day of filing of papers for the Assembly polls in Haryana.
The total number of nominations filed for 90 assembly seats is 1,846, an election office spokesman said here.
Hooda filed his papers from his traditional Garhi Sampla Kiloi seat, Chautala from Uchana Kalan, Naina from Badra, Sandeep from Pehowa and Dutt from Baroda.
Among others who filed papers included Kiran Chowdhary from Toshan, BJP stalwart Anil Vij from his traditional bastion Ambala cantonment.
The scrutiny of papers will take place on Saturday, while the last date for withdrawal of papers is October 7.
Haryana will go to polls on October 21.
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