Ahmedabad: In a shocking incident, chopped parts of human body were recovered from the Kotarpur Water Treatment Plant near Ahmedabad airport in Gujarat, police said. It is learnt that workers noticed severed pieces of human organs in the first stage of water supply. The parts include human hands, feet and head in mutilated condition in the plant. Soon, a team of police rushed to the spot and sent the organs for post-mortem and forensic test.
Also read: Cops groping in dark: Human organs dumped in garbage in Ahmedabad
Further action will be taken after getting the medical report, he added. Meanwhile, after the recovery of the organs, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation drained out millions of liters of water in order not to endanger the health of the citizens. The Kotarpur water treatment plant collects water from the Narmada main canal.
Water is supplied to the citizens of East Ahmedabad from the water treatment plant. It is speculated that the human body has entered the Kotarpur water treatment plant through the Narmada canal. A Police officer told ETV Bharat over phone that it could not be differentiated whether the organs were of a man or a woman.
Further details into the incident are awaited.