Ahmedabad: Gujarat Governor Acharya Devvrat on Wednesday participated in a cleanliness drive at the Mahatma Gandhi-founded Gujarat Vidyapeeth campus. It is learnt that the cleanliness drive was launched after the Governor's recent visit to the campus where he took note of the filth and garbage accumulated on the campus.
After concluding the cleanliness drive, the Governor shared a meal with the students and teachers on the Vidyapeeth premises. He said that Mahatma Gandhi was in favour of cleanliness so there should be no place for filth at the institution established by him. As per officials, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation was also pressed into service on the occasion and used a bulldozer and 80,000 litres of treated water to clean the campus.
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Vidyapeeth's sports ground which was also filled with garbage was cleaned on the occasion with the municipality removing 20 truckloads of soil to make the playground playable. Besides, a total of 12 tonnes of waste has been disposed of by the Horticulture Department for which services of 170 sweepers were used.
As part of Gujarat Vidyapeeth's cleanliness campaign, the new and old buildings of the Post Graduate Hostel on the campus, Prajeevan Vidyarthi Bhawan, the area around the Guest House, new and old Girls Hostel and Tribal Museum building were cleaned. The Governor along with the students and staff resolved to it a habit to keep the campus clean.
The Governor said that every student should clean the campus for one hour every day. “My cleanliness drive ends here. Now the responsibility for the cleanliness of the Gujarat Vidyapeeth campus lies with the students and teachers living and studying here. The work which causes fear, shame or doubt is not worth doing. The work that gives enthusiasm and pleasure is the only work worth doing. Be diligent, follow the path of truth, work honestly, study and strictly follow the rules of this institution. Be a model citizen,” he said in his address. He also asked the teachers to strive towards keeping the campus clean.