Bharuch (Gujarat): 11 people were booked for insulting the national anthem at a wedding ceremony in Baruch on Sunday. A video of this incident is doing rounds on social media. The accused sings the national anthem while sitting on chairs and laughing in a manner to mock the national anthem. The B Division police registered a complaint based on the video of the incident.
Upon investigating this matter, the Forensic and Science Lab (FSL) found that the video was first shared with various groups through WhatsApp. Two of the detainees are associated with the BJP, said Bharuch BJP minority cell president Mustafa Khoda. The accused were released later.
Also read: Muslim teacher refuses to sing national anthem on Republic Day in Aligarh
The detainees have been identified as Ayyub Patel (father of the bride), Bharuch district BJP general secretary Zuber Patel, Salim Dhira, Irfan Patel, Nasir Samniwala, Vasim Nawab, Zulfikar Roakadiya, Javed Dholat, Saeed Rokadiya (contested municipality election in 2021 from Ward No. 1 in Bharuch as BJP candidate), Usman Patel and Sarfraz Patel, all residents of Bharuch town. They were produced before an executive magistrate in Bharuch later in the evening, following which they were released.
Phones of all the accused have been sized and sent to Forensic Science Laboratory for investigation, as per the reports further actions will be taken accordingly, said a police official.