Surat (Gujarat): In a shocking incident, a bride was killed by her cousin during the Haldi ceremony in Gujarat's Surat on Monday, the police said. The accused has been identified as Monu Patil. According to the police, the deceased identified as Kalyani got a court marriage with Jitendra Mahajan of Surat a month ago. The couple's families were against their marriage.
Later the families of both agreed and decided to get the couple married traditionally. Jeetendra's family had accepted the girl, however, a dispute was going on in Kalyani's family about caste, the police said. Enraged by the caste difference during the Haldi rituals, the bride's cousin suddenly came and attacked her with a knife. The bride was rushed to a hospital where she succumbed to injuries while undergoing treatment.
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Meanwhile, the guests present at the event, handed over the accused to the police. A complaint has been registered at the Limbayat police station. Investigating police officer HB Jalane said that the accused was not ready for Kalyani's marriage. The police said, "A girl named Kalyani died after being attacked by her cousin. Kalyani belongs to the Patil community, and the groom was a Mahajan. Both come from Marathi society, however, there was a dispute due to caste differences." "The accused Monu Patil has been taken into custody. An investigation is underway into the murder," the police said.
Earlier, a groom killed the newly-wedded bride and then died by suicide in Chhattisgarh's Raipur. Bodies of the duo was found inside a room where they were dressing up for the reception, which was supposed to take place later that night. The police said that the couple had a dispute during that time. In a fit of rage, the groom stabbed the bride to death and then died by suicide.