Gandhinagar: In a precautionary measure ahead of the Rajya Sabha elections, after three of its legislators resigned from the Gujarat Assembly, the Congress has shifted its 15 MLAs from central Gujarat to a resort near Anand.
Congress leader Bharat Singh Solanki has been entrusted with the responsibility of moving these MLAs.
As the Rajya Sabha elections are scheduled to be held on June 19, three Congress MLAs have resigned from the legislature in the last few days. Following the development, party MLAs have been shifted to Aries Riverside Resort.
Solanki held talks with the MLAs staying at the hotel.
Earlier, some Gujarat Congress MLAs had on Saturday reached Wildwinds Resort at Abu Road in Rajasthan.
ANI Report
Also Read: Ahead of RS polls, Cong MLAs reach Wildwinds Resort in Rajasthan