Ahmedabad: 89 weddinggoers were arrested late on Monday in Paldi area of Ahmedabad for gambling. Alongside the arrests, seizure of property worth Rs 1.58 crore, apart from Rs 3,74,155 in cash, were also carried out, said police. The accused included Varshil Desai and Kashish Desai, 24, both grooms who were about to get married on Wednesday, February 22, they added.
The guests were accommodated in two flats in Laxmi Niwas apartments. The 'muddamal' (property) seized from them included 35 two-wheelers and 18 four-wheelers, accounting for more than Rs 1.25 crore. All guests, who had reached the flats for two separate weddings, came from Navrangpura and Pritamnagar areas. A case has been registered into the incident" Ahmedabad M Division ACP SD Patel said.
Also read: Teenage girl forced to consume acid for opposing gambling in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh
In light of his engagement, Varshil Desai has been released on sufficient bail. After completion of wedding ceremonies, police will take appropriate action against him post recording of statement, Patel further added.
Meanwhile, devotees at the Sridurga Bhogeshwara Kshetra at the recently held Shivaratri festival in Andhra Pradesh's Kurnool district on Wednesday alleged fraudsters of having duped them off to the tune of Rs 30 lakh. The scammers were allowed to set up stalls for a price of Rs 3 lakh by the local administration, they further alleged. As devotees flocked to the temple for Shivaratri, the fraudsters attracted those attending the fair promising high returns, they also said.