New Delhi: Allying fears about Chinese dams over Brahmaputra, Union Power Minister RK Singh on Thursday said that India is also constructing big dams along the China border. "We are aware of Chinese strategy over Brahmaputra. Let me tell you that Chinese activities will not affect us as we are also constructing dams along the China border," said Singh.
The minister recalled that the Centre has already approved its largest-ever hydropower project in Arunachal Pradesh-Dibang Multipurpose Project (MPP). Singh said that reservoirs of the dams would also help our Northeastern states protect themselves from floods. "Our reservoirs would preserve the excess water. And in the event of a diversion of water by China, the massive reservoir would be able to protect the Indian States," he said.
He was talking to reporters about the achievements of the central government in the last nine years in the power sector. "In the past nine years, over 185 GW of generation capacity has been added transforming India from power deficit to power surplus. The total installed power generation capacity currently is 416 GW. The maximum demand to date has only been 221 GWs," said Singh.
Also read: Matter of shame to criticise one's own country abroad: RK Singh slams Rahul Gandhi
The installed capacity is now close to double the peak demand and India is exporting power to neighbouring countries, he said. Singh said that the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is also working towards achieving 500 GW of installed electricity capacity from non-fossil sources by 2030.
"So far, a total of 180.39 GW capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources has been installed in the country as on May 31, which includes 173.61 GW renewable energy and 6.78 GW nuclear power," Singh said. The minister also expressed concern over politicisation of the power sector over the years.
Stating that there is no such thing as free power, Singh said, "When power is claimed to be free, it actually translates into increased taxes for taxpayers, as they ultimately bear the cost."