New Delhi: On Wednesday, Union Minister for Tourism and Culture, G Kishan Reddy along with the Ministers of State, Arjun Ram Meghwal and Meenakshi Lekhi, visited the National Gallery of Modern Art. The Government of India has decided to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Independence Day as 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav'. The National Gallery of Modern Art has been selected to host an exhibition featuring the same theme.
The NGMA's main premise of Jaipur House is currently getting renovated. The museum curators and staff are also collecting artworks made by renowned artists from all over the country. The exhibition is all set to be opened for the general public from August. Union Tourism Minister G Kishan Reddy said that on the instruction of Prime Minister Modi, it has been decided to organise an exhibition of modern art in NGMA in the context of the 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav' Independence Day celebration.
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The minister further added that the National Gallery of Modern Art will be opened to the public in a new format very soon. For this, our officers are working to collect paintings and artefacts from all over the country. The purpose is to allow the coming generation to see and admire these artworks. He further added that this art gallery will be made the best art gallery in the country. It will be opened to the public as soon as the renovation and the collection of artwork is complete.
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An NGMA official also said that the renovation work of Jaipur House was going on before the Covid period and it takes at least six months to prepare the kind of art exhibition being organised. Preparations are being made for the program to mark 75 years of independence and NGMA will likely be reopened to the public next month.
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