New Delhi: Four people died and two were injured in a factory roof collapsed on Saturday morning in West Delhi's Khyala Village. The incident happened at around 10 a.m. in Vishnu garden of Khyala in a factory of motor winding where at least six people were inside.
"The injured were rescued by the police staff, ambulance staff, DDMA staff and were sent to the nearest hospital. Out of six, four were declared dead by the doctors while two were out of danger," said Additional DCP West Delhi Subodh Kumar Goswami.
"This building was made of gauter/Tukwila and it was overloaded with the materials and because of this it caved in and the people were in the building got trapped," said Atul Garg, Director Delhi Fire Service.
There were six labourers working in the factory at the time of the incident. The injured were rushed to the GGS and DDU hospital. The labourers who were declared brought dead have been identified as Ramesh (35), Cheena (36), Guddi (45) and Twinkle (25) while Ravi (20) and Guddu Kumar (18) were injured.
SDM Patel Nagar has been informed of the incident and the police is investigating the case.
PTI Report