New Delhi: Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal on Thursday took a jibe at the Narendra Modi-led government for shaking up the ethos of the Constitution and said that this is not 'Amrit Kaal' but we are living in the ties of 'Andher Kaal'.
Speaking at the Public Policy Debate Series titled 'The Morality of India’s Constitution: The Path Still to be Traversed' at the India International Centre in the national capital, the former Congressmen said that "these are tough times that we are living in. Unless we change the political system, we should not expect any positive transformation."
Speaking about the recently concluded Monsoon session of the Parliament, which witnessed repetitive adjournments and disruption from both the treasury benches and the Opposition, Kapil Sibal said "Look at the way how the Parliament works now. There's no space for healthy discussion. The people in power need to be more generous towards the weaker."
"The biggest flaw in the system is the whip. When I was a member of the Congress party, I had to follow what the party wanted me to do. Whenever I wanted to say something against my party, I was never allowed to do. So one cannot go against the party because the whip doesn't allow you to do so. What kind of Parliament system is this", he questioned.
Sibal, a seasoned politician, and an eminent lawyer months back came up with an initiative called 'Insaf ke Sipahi' to fight against injustices and urged the legal fraternity to unite with his cause and fight for justice.
Attacking the Narendra Modi-led regime on the recent changes in the legal domain pertaining to sedition law, he said that "While the sedition has been abolished but now they've come up with a more stringent law citing security. This is much worse than the British era".
Meanwhile, on the violence in Haryana, he said, "I filed petitions in the Supreme Court on the Mewat incident. But my plea wasn't heard back then despite the fact that I warned that something dangerous could happen and then Nuh happened." "There's a law in Harayana pertaining to cow slaughter. People who are part of this are being given police powers, which is extremely brazen. I challenged it in the Supreme Court but I was advised to approach the High Court".
Kapil Sibal during his address also spoke bout how the elected governments are being toppled because of the fact that "these elected representatives are ready to bought up".
Also read: Govt wants to bring 'dictatorship': Kapil Sibal slams bills to replace criminal laws