New Delhi: The two miscreants, who fled after snatching the currency garland from a groom in a wedding procession, turned out to be delivery boys of the food aggregator Swiggy. Both the miscreants, who snatched the groom's garland, made of currency notes of Rs 500 denominations are delivery boys working for Swiggy. Police recovered Rs 10,000 cash attached to the garland, which they had snatched before fleeing the spot. The accused have been identified as Jasmeet Singh and Rajeev Mahto, both residents of Geeta Colony, under the Jagatpuri area of Shahdara district in Delhi.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Rohit Meena while sharing information said, "On January 31, a complaint was received at Jagatpuri police station about the garland snatching from a groom. The incident happened near Star Place at Geeta Colony. A team from the Jagatpuri police station visited the spot. Complainant Ankit Gupta told us about his brother Anu Gupta whose wedding procession was going towards Star Place. In the meantime, a person pounced and snatched the garland containing cash worth Rs 10,000. Rs 500 banknotes were attached to the garland. The thief fled with the garland riding on a Scooty, along with his friend. While his friend had parked his Scooty close to the crime spot."
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"More than 80 CCTV cameras were examined to trace the escape route of the culprits. Based on the CCTV footage, the police arrested one of the accused Jasmeet Singh. The Scooty used in the crime was also recovered. Besides Rs 5,500 was recovered from his possession," the DCP said. "Based on Jasmeet Singh's confession, his accomplice Rajeev Mahto was also arrested and Rs 4,500 cash was recovered from him. Both the accused told during the interrogation that they worked as delivery boys in Swiggy. They were addicted to drugs and resorted to stealing cash to meet daily requirements," the DCP added.