New Delhi: Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia here on Tuesday said while Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Amit Shah had been saying there were no CCTVs in Delhi he should check it out during campaigning.
Speaking to the media, Sisodia shared a video where Shah was seen saying the city was to get 1.5 million CCTV cameras but were yet to find one.
Sharing another CCTV clip, Sisodia said it was from the door-to-door campaign by Shah in Lajpat Nagar. Shah visited eight houses in a small lane, and there were 16 cameras around it, he added.
"Shah went inside a house. Even that had a CCTV over it. To spot CCTV cameras in Delhi, all he needs is to look up," said Sisodia.
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Stating that the BJP leaders think all parties throw 'jumlas' like them, Sisodia said, "Not all parties just mouth jumlas. We believe in keeping our word," he said.
Sisodia also said they never said the city would get 1.5 million CCTVs. "Even the AAP manifesto didn't mention any number," he said.