New Delhi: The horrific Shraddha Walker murder case came up for hearing on Saturday in South Delhi's Saket court. The gruesome murder which took place in New Delhi's Mehrauli area on May 18, 2022, was heard in the court of Additional Sessions Judge Manisha Khurana Kakkar.
During the hearing of the case, the police also presented the fridge as evidence before the court, in which the accused Aftab Poonawala had kept Shraddha's dismembered body parts. The accused had chopped off her body with a hacksaw into 35 pieces. The accused Aftab Amin Poonawalla had stored Shraddha Walker's chopped body parts wrapped in a black polythene in the fridge.
When Poonawalla's girlfriend was visiting his home, he was using perfume to remove the foul smell emanating from the chopped body parts. He was using the same method so that neighbours also did get suspicious. Apart from the fridge, two pieces of plywood were also produced before the court, which had been seized by the forensic team. Blood stains had been found on the seized plywood.
Also read: Shraddha Murder Case: Poonawala used to beat Shraddha, brother testifies in court
Shraddha's father while giving testimony to the court identified the refrigerator and pieces of plywood. Both the items were sealed in the presence of the police in the court. The court was informed that during the investigation, 13 bone parts of the deceased Shraddha had been recovered by the FSL team after the identification by the accused Aftab Poonawala. The statement of the deceased's father was recorded in court. In the next hearing, Aftab's lawyer will cross-examine Shraddha's father and her brother. In the previous hearing, four persons, who were delivering food to the couple's home, had testified before the court.