New Delhi: The South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has issued a challan of Rs 50,000 to the Lodhi Road crematorium, site for funerals of COVID-19 victims, after Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) kits used by those disposing of bodies and of the deceased's relatives were found discarded there.
The notice of challan was issued on Monday evening to Arya Samaj, Jorbagh, which has been tasked with the maintenance of the crematorium. They have been directed to pay the penalty within three days.
"This crematorium is run by Arya Samaj. After we received a message yesterday afternoon, we sprung into action immediately under the direction of Commissioner SDMC. We have issued a challan of Rs 50, 000 yesterday evening," KC Bhardwaj, a sanitary superintendent with SDMC said.
SDMC had sent 12 trucks to take away discarded PPE kits, gloves, masks and other debris and garbage found strewn in and around the crematorium.
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"Till late night we collected the garbage, debris including the PPE Kit from the crematorium," Bharadwaj said.
A caretaker present at the crematorium said: "People should be responsible and should think their own health and those of others on priority given the present pandemic situation. We are all told to follow the rules but not everybody does so. Hope people will be more vigilant about their surroundings."
There are definite guidelines issued to strictly adhere to protocols, especially in sensitive areas such as hospitals and crematoriums.
Till Monday, Delhi's COVID-19 count was 62,655 cases including 2,233 deaths.