New Delhi: AAP MLA from the Greater Kailash constituency Saurabh Bharadwaj has been nominated as the vice-chairman of the Delhi Jal Board. Bharadwaj will succeed Raghav Chadha who filed his nomination for the Rajya Sabha election from Punjab on Monday. "Short of words to thank my leader Sh. @ArvindKejriwal Ji for giving this responsibility. All that I know about administration & public service, I have learnt it from our CM sir," the Greater Kailash MLA tweeted on Tuesday.
Chadha, the Rajendra Nagar MLA, assumed charge as DJB VC after the Aam Aadmi Party returned to power in Delhi for the third term in 2019. When elected to Rajya Sabha, Chadha has to vacate his Assembly seat. During his tenure as DJB VC, Chadha vociferously raised issues pertaining to polluted water from neighbouring states draining into the Yamuna and excess ammonia in the river water.
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