New Delhi: Rohini District Court has reserved its judgement on a plea filed by wrestler Sushil Kumar seeking a high-protein diet in jail. Sushil Kumar, who stands accused in the Sagar Dhankar murder case, is currently in judicial custody. He was sent to judicial custody on 2nd June and is lodged in Mandoli Prison Complex's jail number 15.
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As per reports, Sushil Kumar's diet in the jail is faltering. He is consuming roti, vegetables, rice along with milk and fruits. But he needs a high-protein rich diet to maintain his body weight and physical fitness.
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Meanwhile, Sushil Kumar has also started exercising and practising wrestling moves in his cell. The 38-year-old wrestler is working hard inside his prison cell to maintain his physical condition. The former Olympic medalist was arrested in Delhi on 23rd May in the Sagar Dhankar murder case.
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