New Delhi: Delhi's Rohini Court reprimanded the Delhi Police on Sunday for not having halted the illegal procession in Jahangirpuri on April 16 which led to communal clashes in the area. Speaking on the incident, Additional Sessions Judge Gagandeep Singh observed that "Prima facie, this displayed the failure of Delhi Police." The court further asked the Delhi Police Commissioner to investigate and determine the accountability of police officials involved in the issue.
The order came while the court was hearing bail pleas of eight accused in Jahangirpuri violence. "The police is admitting that the last procession at the place where the riots took place was illegal. No permission was taken for the procession either. If this is the case, why did policemen in the Jahangirpuri police station under the leadership of Inspector Rajiv Ranjan, as well as reserve police forces, not try to stop the illegal procession?" it questioned.
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"The police, instead of doing its duty, instead of dispersing the crowd, was with it. After this the riot took place" the court also observed. It also rejected bail for all eight accused in this case. "If even one among the accused goes out (on bail), they can tamper with the evidence.
There are chances of more accused being arrested in this case, who has not been identified yet. If one of the (current) accused goes out, he can influence the case and the investigation," it further stated as its basis for denying the bail.