New Delhi: At least 25 trains were cancelled and seven others diverted on Tuesday as protesting farmers blocked railway tracks in Punjab's Amritsar, a Northern Railways statement said.
The agitation has left scores of passengers moving to and from Amritsar stranded.
Two trains the New Delhi-Amritsar Shatabdi Express and the New Delhi-Amritsar Shan-E-Punjab Express were short-terminated in Jalandhar City and Beas town respectively.
The trains which were cancelled include the New Delhi-Jalandhar Intercity Express, Amritsar-Haridwar Jan Shatabdi Express, Haridwar-Amritsar Jan Shatabdi Express, Chandigarh-Amritsar Superfast Express and the Nangaldam-Amritsar Express.
Trains which have been diverted include the Delhi-Pathankot Superfast Express, Amritsar-New Delhi Shatabdi Express and the Amritsar-Sealdha Akal Takht Express.
The farmers are staging a protest to press for various demands, including the implementation of the recommendations of the Swaminathan Commission report.
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