New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party national spokesperson RP Singh on Monday accused Rahul Gandhi of "doing a drama" of paying homage at Atal Bihari Vajpayee's memorial while party leaders use "abusive words" against the former prime minister. On Monday morning, Rahul Gandhi visited the 'samadhi' of Mahatma Gandhi and several former prime ministers, including Vajpayee whose birth anniversary was on Sunday.
"Rahul Gandhi is not giving any respect to Atalji, he is just doing a drama of paying homage at Vajpayee's memorial. On one hand, Rahul Gandhi goes to Atal Sadaiv to pay homage, and on the other hand, his family members and party leaders use abusive words. The Gandhi family is only doing politics of appeasement," BJP spokesperson RP Singh told ETV Bharat.
Also read: Rahul’s visit to Vajpayee memorial should remind PM Modi of his Rajdharma: Congress
"If he (Rahul Gandhi) had to give this much respect, then why he didn't visit PV Narsimha Rao's samadhi in Hyderabad during his Bharat Jodo Yatra even though he was on his way if he was sincere about paying respect to former prime ministers. So, I consider it not a change in ideology but for a photo opportunity, chattering elites, and part of his makeover exercise," said RP Singh.