New Delhi: While hearing the demand to give a copy of the FIR of Neelam Azad (37), accused in the case of Parliament security breach, Delhi’s Patiala House Court on Monday reserved the decision. The court will give its verdict on this matter on Tuesday. During the hearing, Neelam’s lawyer said that it is the legal right to allow the lawyer and the family to meet. “The family has the right to know what charges have been framed against the accused. For this, a copy of the FIR is necessary”, he said.
He further said, “When we asked for a copy of the FIR from the investigating officer, he asked us to file an application in the court. He (the accused) is not even allowed to meet with his family. They have the right to know the allegations levelled against the accused. The family members only know that Neelam has been arrested."
On this, the Delhi police said, “The matter is sensitive and is related to terrorism. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain confidentiality." On December 16, the court issued a notice to the Delhi police. Neelam was arrested, along with the four accused on December 13, while raising slogans outside Parliament. The Delhi police have registered an FIR against these accused under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA).
It is pertinent to mention here that on December 13, the two accused jumped into the chamber from the visitor’s gallery of Parliament. They had carried canisters and smoke with them due to which there was a ruckus in the House. Soon, Parliament security personnel captured both of them. They were also caught raising slogans outside Parliament.
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