New Delhi: In a meeting of the BJP Parliamentary Party, instructions have been given to all the MPs regarding the grand celebration of the 'Amrit Mahotsav' festival, to mark the completion of India's 75-years of Independence.
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Amrit Mahotsav is a grand festival which is being planned by the central government for the whole year. PM Modi also gave a clarion call to all the MPs asking them to take part in the festival with their whole heart and ensure that it is held across India in 75 locations.
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According to sources, Prime Minister Narendra Modi boosted the morale of all BJP MPs saying that the party is going to form the government in West Bengal as well as in Assam.
He added that the party will get a good lead, and hence MPs of other states should also start preparing for the election of their states with full dedication in their respective areas.
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In this context, PM Modi also apprised the MPs about how the Covid-19 related vaccine campaign under 'Make In India' became a huge success and how several nations globally approached India, for the supply of vaccines under Vaccine Friendship.