New Delhi: The Opposition has not been given even a minute to raise the Adani issue in Parliament, the Congress said on Saturday, hitting back at Union Minister Anurag Thakur who said the government has nothing to hide on the matter. Talking to reporters in Jammu, the information and broadcasting minister also accused the opposition parties of creating a ruckus in Parliament to evade a debate on the "people-friendly" budget.
Hitting back at him, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh tweeted, "I&B Minister, Anurag Thakur of 'Goli Maro' infamy says Opposition running away from debate in Parliament. What a joke. Parliament hasn't functioned for two days as the Opposition isn't even allowed to take a minute to demand JPC on the PM-linked Adani 'Maha mega scam'."
The Opposition has alleged that the recent meltdown in Adani Group shares is a scam that involves common people's money as public sector LIC and SBI have invested in them. The Opposition has demanded a joint parliamentary committee probe or a Supreme Court-monitored investigation into the Adani issue after allegations of financial irregularities and share price manipulation was leveled by the US-based short-seller Hindenburg Research.
The Adani Group has dismissed the charges as lies, saying it complies with all laws and disclosure requirements. Union Minister Thakur said, "SBI, LIC, Finance Minister, and RBI have made their statements on the Adani issue and have made things clear. The Opposition is running away from the discussion and does not want to discuss the President's address and the budget."
"We want discussion on the President's address and 2023-24 budget which will guide India from 'Amrit Kaal to Swarnim Kaal' and will lay the foundation of New India but the Opposition is running away from discussion," he told reporters at the BJP headquarters in Jammu. (PTI)