New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is investigating 11 cases in which nexus between terrorists, drug smugglers and traffickers based in India and abroad have been found, the government informed the Lok Sabha on Tuesday. This information was shared as a written reply by Nityanand Rai, Minister of State for Home, while replying to a question of BSP MP Kunwar Danish Ali asking whether the government is aware of the increase in the number of cases of nexus between terrorists, drug smugglers and traffickers based in India and abroad.
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Providing year-wise details, Rai in his reply noted that the NIA is investigating 11 such cases with two in 2019, four each in 2020 and 2021, and one in 2021. To a question on what steps are being taken by the government in this regard, the MoS pointed out that "A total of 112 accused have been arrested in these 11 cases and chargesheets have been filed against 115 accused persons in 10 cases."