New Delhi: National Vice President of the Rashtriya Janata Dal Raghuvansh Prasad Singh earlier had given a statement that in order to beat BJP in 2020 state assembly elections, Nitish Kumar will have to join hands with RJD.
Commenting on Prasad's statement, Manoj Jha, Rajya Sabha member from RJD said that his statement must be understood in ideological terms as in 2014 Lok Sabha elections, Lalu Prasad Yadav urged opposition parties to come together as he could see it as a war of ideologies.
"We supported Nitish Kumar in assembly elections but he later joined hands with BJP. Important issues were neglected and Modi won in the election. RJD is not demotivated with the loss in the election. We are ready to fight back with important issues that matter," Jha added.
JDU decided to withdraw itself from the cabinet when BJP promised them that only one member will be selected for the cabinet. Nitish Kumar when expanded his cabinet he didn't include any BJP leader. There seems to be a cold war between the two parties as party members of both the parties didn't join each other's Iftar party.
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